How to Unlock Swingline Paper Cutter

If you’re looking to unlock your Swingline paper cutter, you can take a few simple steps. In this blog post, we will cover how to unlock swingline paper cutter. First, make sure the cutting blade is locked by checking for the red dot on the release arm. If the blade is not closed, hold down the lock button and rotate the release arm until it clicks into place.

How to Unlock Swingline Paper Cutter

You can then unlock the cutter by rotating the black knob on top of the device counterclockwise. Always be sure to lock the cutter after using it by rotating the black knob clockwise and ensuring the red dot is in place. Read on to know more!

10 Ways on How to Unlock Swingline Paper Cutter:

1. Unlock With Back Lid:

If the Swingline paper cutter has a back lid, slide the lockdown and then release. The back lid will open, and the Swingline paper cutter will be unlocked.

2. Unlock With Paper Guide:

If the Swingline paper cutter has a paper guide on it, slide it to the right until it stops, then push it back over to the left. The blades will open, and you can release them by pushing down on them with your fingers. The Swingline paper cutter will be unlocked and ready for use.

3. Using a Flat Tip Screwdriver:

Using a flat-tip screwdriver, undo the screws on the right side of the paper cutter. Once undone, carefully lift on the door to unlock it. The Swingline paper cutter will be unlocked and ready for use.

4. Using a Saw:

If the Swingline paper cutter has a back lid, lift open the lockdown and remove all of the screws on the right side of the body with a flat-tip screwdriver. Once all screws are removed, you will be able to pry off the cover from its front edge carefully.

5. Using a Power Drill:

Using a power drill with a flat-tip bit, undo the screws on the right side of the paper cutter. Once undone, carefully lift on the door to unlock it. The Swingline paper cutter will be unlocked and ready for use.

6. With an Allen Wrench:

Insert an Allen wrench into the small hole above the up and down arrow on the left side of the Swingline paper cutter. Once in place, push and hold while also pulling up. When you feel a pop, release and pull open to unlock the Swingline paper cutter.

7. Unlock With Master Lock:

Insert a Master lock into the cutout on the Swingline paper cutter’s head. Next, twist the dial clockwise and push down on the Master lock. When you feel a click, release and pull open to unlock the Swingline paper cutter.

8. Remove Paper Guide:

Hold down the release button while pulling out the paper guide. The Swingline paper cutter will unlock once the paper guide is free.

9. With a Binder Clip:

Insert a small binder clip into the bottom cutout on top of the Swingline paper cutter’s head, where you would usually place your hand to hold it steady while cutting. If you do not have a binder clip, try tweezers or needle-nose pliers. You can also use paper clips instead of binder clips, but the edges might cut into your paper (or fingers).

10. With a Rubber Band:

Insert a small rubber band into one of the top cutouts on top of the Swingline paper cutter’s head, where you would usually place your hand to hold it steady while cutting. That small rubber band should have some tension on it, so you’ll have to stretch the band a bit before inserting it into the slot.

Some Helpful Tips and Suggestions:

1. Stepless adjustment can be achieved by loosening the bolt on the side of the handle and moving it up or down.

2. A longer, thicker ribbon of paper is easier to cut through than a shorter, thinner strand of paper sometimes it will take one clean slice, but you’ll usually have to make several passes with a shorter piece of paper.

3. If the paper isn’t entirely out of the machine after cutting, you can pull it back and cut it again or use the flat end of the blade to tap it out. You can also cut off one edge carefully with a pair of scissors first if you’re having issues getting it out.

4. If you have problems cutting through a piece of paper, you will likely want to increase the tension on your blade. You can do this by turning the knob clockwise and tightening it.

5. You may want to try cutting a different piece of paper from what you usually use because some papers will be harder to cut through than others, depending on the thickness and density. This is especially true if you are trying to cut off a large portion of your roll in a small amount of time.

6. If you have a lot of small pieces of paper stuck in the machine after cutting, you can use a pair of tweezers to remove them. You can also try using an empty paper roll (or one that is not filled) to push them out or a small screwdriver.

7. If you are trying to cut a very thick or hard paper, it is best to set the Swingline paper cutter on the empty paper roll, then place your piece of paper in between. This way, you can avoid pushing down hard when cutting, which will reduce the risk of slipping and injuring yourself.

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Swingline paper cutter is an excellent tool for office and home use. It can easily cut through multiple sheets of paper at once, which makes it perfect for large projects or when you need to get the job done quickly.

However, sometimes the Swingline paper cutter can be difficult to unlock, especially if you don’t know where the locking mechanism is. This article shows you how to unlock swingline paper cutter in just a few simple steps. If you have any questions about this topic or want to know more, then feel free to comment below!

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